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Halloween; Watch out, there is an eye infection out!

Posted on Thursday, October 1, 2020

Halloween; Watch out, there is an eye infection out!

Halloween fancy dress is a growing phenomenon that has spread from the USA so that we are now having more and more spooky parties and ghostly gatherings on 31st October. Of course it is fun to dress up and get involved and you may have thought about complementing your outfit with novelty contact lenses.

However, don’t get tempted to buy lenses from a fancy dress shop or online as you will be taking sight threatening risks. You will have no idea about the lens quality not to mention whether they will fit your eyes or not. It is actually illegal for joke shops and fancy dress shops to sell contact lenses at all in this country as they can only be sold under the supervision of a registered professional – that means an Optometrist, Contact Lens Optician or a suitably qualified doctor such an Ophthalmologist. This is for your protection so that your eyes can be assessed for their suitability to wear contact lenses (even if it’s just for a party or two!) and so that appropriate, well-fitting lenses will be supplied. In addition, you will get all the help you need with handling and hygiene carefully explained so that you know how to minimise any risk of infection.

Poor quality or badly fitting contact lenses can scratch your eyes or cause infections – and this can be sight threatening. If you have not been taught how to look after and wear lenses this can also lead to a scary eye problem because bacteria in poorly cared for lenses can also cause disease.

Every year within a few days of Halloween, stories turn up in the press of unfortunate ghouls and witches who have ended up in eye casualty – and in some cases they have ultimately lost vision due to their contact lens catastrophe.

Colin Lee & Jenks Opticians always supply well-fitting contact lenses and give you that support and clinical expertise.

So don’t end up in a graveyard of eyeball despair - be a wise witch or a smart sorcerer – and only buy lenses from registered opticians!!

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